The kitchen is my favorite room in the house, especially now that the days are getting a little bit longer and the light lasts longer. There's so much white and it's very calming, unless the kitchen is a mess and I get irritable. 
Sometimes puttering around is exactly what I need to keep the day going, other days it totally overwhelms me. I also like being close to the coffee, sink and fridge, not to mention both the front door (in case the UPS guy comes) or the back door (I'll sit outside when it's nice out.) Maybe I should have put that bright green bucket away that's hanging around outside the patio door before I took this picture.

Living Room
I start to drift to the living room on the coldest days because there's a fireplace in there and two radiators so it's cozier. But in general it's less comfortable for me to sit on the couch and work than at the high chair in the kitchen.
Sometimes I work in bed, usually on days when I feel sickly or feel especially self-indulgent.

My parents' house
Sometimes people suggest that I rent myself an office but I don't need to. When I need to go to a workspace that is comfortable, as quiet or convivial as I want it to be, where the parking and coffee are free, I go to my parents' house, especially if there is something else going on at my house. It's only a mile away and there is even a dog.

Hoosier Mama Pie Company + Dollop Coffee Shop
This place is like heaven. It's bright and airy and pleasant and it smells like pies are made there because pies are made there. The people watching is fun, too. I get more work done sometimes when I'm out of the house but it doesn't work that well if I have a bunch of interviews to do or I'm in danger of spending all my money on fancy coffee and breakfast sandwiches.

Brothers K Coffeehouse
I haven't been here in awhile but I enjoy this coffee shop. It's chaotic and hip but without pretense. It kind of reminds me of the type of coffee shop I'd go to in high school. 
Also it makes me really happy that that particular storefront has been a coffeehouse for as long as I can remember so it's nice to throw it some money to say thank you for not turning into an oriental rug store (Evanston has a million oriental rug stores.)

I don't love Starbucks but it's there when you need it. I prefer the one on Dempster. The one on Main has too many weirdos and the one in downtown Evanston has too many college kids.
The salon
If I'm getting some sort of service done that takes awhile I'll bring my laptop. I love multitasking--it feels weird to me to sit still and fully 100% watch a movie, for instance, or to just talk on the phone without folding laundry or doing dishes. If I'm at the salon and don't have anything to do, I'll read a magazine, but rarely do I have nothing to do. So I will get stuff done while I'm getting a pedicure or my hair streak touched up. I work hard and I play hard, and don't you forget it!