The 8 stages of staying at a fancy hotel

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2930717977_b104ef45dd_o.jpg1.) Discomfort.

"Who are all these people? Can they tell we don't belong here? Is there a way they know we got a special deal on this stay? Do people seriously take their little kids here? Who are these people?"

2.) The free things

"Which of the five flavored waters in the spa did you like best?" "Did you see they have free waterproof diapers by the pool?" "Look--apple cider and cookies in the lobby!" "I just put your boots outside the room because they do shoe shines for free." "They have totally brand-new magazines in the gym." "I am totally taking these earplugs home." "Even the pencils are nice."

3.) Acceptance

"Everything here, while absurdly expensive, is the best."

4.) Ecstacy

"Everybody here is so nice! This is utopia! And it's not just because I'm slightly buzzed at noon and am sitting in a hot tub."

5.) Arrogance

"We totally belong here. Why don't we come here once a month?"

6.) Reality

"Breakfast for two without drinks just cost us $90."

7.) Checkout/mourning

"I'm going to stand over here while you pay so I don't hear how much it cost."

8.) Affirmation of where you stand in the world of fancy hotels

"I just tried to tell a woman outside that her tire was flat and she rolled the window up as I approached the car."