Today is the day to convene a panel and ask them what they're there for.
The Zach Galifianakis Interview: Just About Twenty Questions
Do you find the brand of heckler in a rock club different from that in a comedy club?
No, they are all from the same mold. The type of mold you find on the corner of a shower in a LaQuinta Inn
Other than yourself, who are the greatest proponents and detractors of your beard?
I think the greatest beard out there is Katie Holmes. My niece does not like my beard. She is 1 and half and cannot even read yet.
For guys considering growing one like yours, what's the hardest part about maintaining it?
Walking it every day.
How did you get the Late World gig?
Not really sure. I got a call from some tv executives asking me if I wanted to host a show. I was eating an ice cream sandwich and was in a good mood so I said "yes."
Even for loyal Reno 911 fans, it's hard to associate the names of the occasional characters with their spots on the show. Who is Frisbee and how did he come to be?
I know the guys at Reno 911 and they asked me to come up with a character. I have always wanted to change my name to Frisbee or Kleenex. A brand. I also like the name Banjo Pussywhistle. My real name is not Zach Galifianakis. That is a stage name. My real name is Chad Farthouse.
How different (or similar) are your onstage and offstage personae? Or are you exactly the same either way?
I feel that I am the same but you will have to ask my onstage persona since I am off stage right at this typing.
Why should people buy "Live at the Purple Onion"?
Not sure they should. Whatever you do- do not shoplift it like I did. I got busted and the guy at the store got confused and ended up arresting my DVD instead.
If you got to host a game show of your own choosing and creation, what would be the objective of the game?
It would be called, "Summer School Reject" and I think the title explains the objection
Which do you prefer, I'm Alan Partridge or "Knowing Me, Knowing You with Alan Partridge"
(ah ha)?
"I'm Alan Partridge"
What are some of your favorite towns to do standup in?
I cannot judge a town based on whether or not my stand up goes over. I judge a town on how many Baby Gaps there are. In that case my favorite town is Charleston, SC.
When "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" came out, were you like "Finally! A film I can relate to!" or were you more like "There is nothing funny about a Greek Orthodox wedding"?
I have not seen it based on its racist stereotypes. Same reason I did not see "Wild Hogs."
How much does your family follow your standup career? Have they been supportive of it?
I have a really great family. But they are not allowed at my shows. They are very supportive as long as they never see it.
What's the worst part about auditioning for TV or movie roles?
Driving for an hour and a half. Sitting in my car outside the casting office talking myself in going inside and failing. Then there is the suicidal drive back.
I just heard that NBC is considering replacing Conan with Jimmy Fallon when Conan steps into Leno's shoes. What do you think about that possibility?
I think there are too many pretty boys on tv as is.
What did you make of the Christopher Hitchens essay on how women aren't funny?
You mean Christopher Hitchens the bloated watery eye drunk that also defended the war in the beginning? He must think Condeleeza Rice is hilarious.
You've talked about how much you hate the term 'alternative comedy' and also how weird it is that people deconstruct, say, Sarah Silverman's work with lots of lit-crit you find that a lot of your fans seem like they try to impress upon you the fact that they really 'get it', as opposed to just saying "Hey, I like your stuff"?
I could care less. I just do what I think is funny. Hopefully it works.
Why do you think many comedians get less funny as they get wealthier and more famous?
Comedy, much of it, comes from having a different kind of mind. Much like a mathematician has a certain way of thinking. I think eventually money gets in the way but those with that kind of mind usually stay funny. Like Letterman or Bill Murray. I think those guys are still very funny.
What was the most recent good comedy show that you attended as an audience member and not a performer or guest of a performer?
The State of the Union Address.
How does it feel to be the 181st person interviewed for
I feel like this may finally break my career. Will it?