Today is the day to try a new cereal.
The newest issue of ElleGirl is on the stands--you Top Model fans will be excited to know that it features Tyra Banks and the latest winner, whose name I won't even say because the other girl should have won. Anyway, it features the latest installment of the Class of 2008.
Dear Mrs., who is my mother, not me (or some famous author), is back with her particular brand of tough-love-focusing-on-the-love advice. Ask her a question, why don't you.
Book By Its Cover Review: Allegedly Forging the Personality of a Young HIV-Infected Transgendered Person With a Former Career as a Truck Stop Prostitute by Mysteriously Only Appearing in Public in a Wig and Sunglasses, Writing Several Books, Publishing Several Articles, Working on Some Movies, Participating in Interviews and Readings, Keeping a Blog and Being in a Band to Gain Literary Notoreity and Meet Celebrities Such as Courtney Love and Carrie Fisher
...doesn't seem quite worth it.