Today is the day to pack a snack.
Dear Mrs., who is my mother, not me (or some famous author), is back with her particular brand of tough-love-focusing-on-the-love advice. Ask her a question, why don't you.
Since today is Friday the 13th, and since we were so worked up about literary scandals all week, and since I don't have an interview lined up for today, I'm just going to switch gears and enjoy fun with the Internet. My friend Richard showed me an amazing way to find out how you're going to die.
Just Google "YOUR NAME was killed by" (with the quotations and see what comes up. If you have a name like Jenny Miller or Dave Myers, then you can do first and last names for most people might want to just do first names for optimum results. Want to know the various ways I'm going to go? They're mostly very exciting, except by the financial advisor one.
Claire was killed by her husband on 25th September 1996. He
picked up a club
hammer and hit her several times on the right side of her head.
Mr Gilmore's life fell apart when his girlfriend Claire was
killed by a drunk
driver the day after he asked her to marry him.
Claire was killed by our rescue team after she kidnapped Donahue.
Isn't that Claire was killed by her financial advisor after 2002?
Rue is looking for The [relic] because his valued friend whom
he saw as a sister,
Claire, was killed by 'The Arm of Death'. ...