Book By Its Cover Review: "The Emancipation of Mimi"

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Book By Its Cover Review: "The Emancipation of Mimi"

Coming out in a little over a month is Mariah Carey's anticipated new album, "The Emancipation of Mimi." It's heralded for many reasons. How will an album of hers fare when it's not titled with a name that sounds like the decoration theme for an 8-year-old girl's room? ("Rainbow," "Music Box," "Glitter," "Charm Bracelet," "Day Dream," etc.)

Also, Mariah hasn't been on as big a winning streak lately as she used to be. She's had her issues with film, managers, other celebrities and general insanity. So maybe this will be a good chance for her to redeem herself.

But most importantly, audiences are mostly simply excited to finally see Mimi be emancipated. I don't know how we can call ourselves the "Land of the Free" when people like Mimi are still enslaved. Thank god for spring 2005, when she will finally be set free. Hopefully we will look back on the date every year and consider it a highlight in our nation's history, when the last of our country's celebrity alter egos has been freed from its bonds.