September 30,
Today is the day to come up with an interesting lie when somebody asks you how your summer was.
If you missed me on the radio yesterday, you still have your chance.
Another Crazy Adventure in the Crazy Differences Between Men and Women!"
A man is in a bar bathroom. Another man walks in.
Man 2: Hiya.
Man 1: [Quickly and silently zips up and walks out.]
Many women are in line for the bathroom at a bar.
Woman 1: Can you believe this line?
Woman 2: I know!
Woman 3: Oh my god, this bar has the worst bathrooms.
Woman 2: You know what's a fun bar?
Woman 1: Which?
Woman 2: That one down the street.
Woman 3: Oh my god, I totally love that bar!
Woman 1: Me too!
Woman 2: Me too! Oh, I love your hair.
Woman 3: You think? I was thinking about getting highlights.
Woman 1: Oh my god, you totally should. But you know, subtle. Like coppers and golds.
Woman 2: That is such a good idea.
Woman 3: It is! And it'll make my ex-boyfriend be so jealous.
Woman 1: I bet he's an asshole!
Woman 2: Yeah, of course he's an asshole!
Woman 3: Oh, you guys!
[group hug. a flush is heard.]
Woman 1: Here I go!
Woman 3: See you soon!
Woman 1: I'll miss you guys!