Dear Dr. Luv: what is the proper protocol for that first post-rimming, post-oral smooch?

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August 26, 2004

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Dear Dr. Luv:

Assuming a partner didn't sterilize the bed with a layer of pre-coital Lysol, what is the proper protocol for that first post-rimming, post-oral smooch? Is a tasteful handkerchief appropriate for a wipe of the mouth or an all out, no-holds-barred greasy lipped smack?

That's simple -- it depends on your sex style. Are you and your partner All Missionary, All The Time, or are you freaks in the bed?

If you and your partner are a bit shy when it comes to bodily fluids and that kind of stuff, by all means wipe your mouth off before going in for post-oral kiss. Rinse you mouth out, brush your teeth, get a drink of water ó do what you got to do. But if you're more open and don't pay any mind to the post-oral lip lock taboo, a subtle set of kisses on your partner's stomach and chest before going in for a kiss on the lips should work just fine.

Ask your partner what he or she prefers. When in doubt, keep Listerine on the premises and Kleenex next to where the action in.

Dear Dr. Luv:

Why is it so hard to find a salad costume for Halloween?

Salad is love. People must be confusing Halloween with Valentine's Day. Duh.

See how good Dr. Luv's advice is? Send her your questions about love, sex, romance and relationships. Today, or you'll be alone forever!