August 25,
Today is the day to wish Tracetardo a happy happy.
Another extremely stupid photo story starring some of the models of this month's W magazine.
What is wrong,
My hair is pulled
too tight, you beetch.
That's true.
you look like crap. But look at my hair.
AT ME!!!!
I'm not even looking at you,
you beetch.
What are you
looking at?
Yes, what are
you looking at?
I am curious
about what you ladies were talking about.
You are?
Yes, but I am
the kind of curious that most often resembles disdain and contempt. It's a
I don't know
what "look" you mean.
Wait, I know what
you're talking about. Hey, I think I've got it! Like this?
Or like this?
That's the one.
Oh, and how about....wait,
almost lost it...this one.
You are a superstar,
my beautiful, disdainfully curious lady.
Wait! I can
do it too! See?
No, you just
look like you have contempt for your fellow man.
How about this?
No, you don't.
Very flat. Very un-curious.
Can I confess
something to you?
Hmm. Go ahead.
I'm slightly curious.
Me too. Curious.
I'm really a
And sasquatches
can't convey curiosity! I read that in a book somewhere!
I read that
same book!
Look at my hair!