George Foreman: #32

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March 26, 2003

Today is the day to choose the Princess in Super Mario Brothers 2.

Chicagoans: If you pick up an issue of today's esteemed Redeye, you will see something by me in the Metromix pullout section.


George had surreptitiously (or so he had thought, but Meredith had a very keen sense of smell) smoked a joint in the guest bathroom, and was feeling a bit more relaxed.

"So, what's your book about?" he asked Meredith, trying to appear genuinely interested as he robotically shoveled Doritos in his mouth as his nephews and niece stared longingly.

"It's a coming of age story," responded his sister. George suppressed a smirk.

"Oh yeah? About who?"

"About a woman."

"Does she get in touch with her feelings?"

"How long are you here for again?"

George remembered why he was there and forced himself to be civil. "I mean, what happens to her?"

"Um. Oh, well, it's family stuff."

George was piqued by his sister's discomfort. He was curious, of course, but also slightly delighted at seeing her knocked off guard, as well as suddenly obnoxiously persistent to get to the bottom of it all. He nudged her playfully, which was excruciating for both of them. "C'mon, tell me more!"

Meredith rubbed her arm. "Well..."

Just then, the telephone rang. Meredith sped out of the kitchen slightly slower than at the speed of light. About ten minutes later, when she returned, her children's faces where covered in the taletale neon orange dust of Doritos nacho 'cheese.'

"Carlin, Payton, O'Connor! What's going on here? You know no junk food except on the weekends."

The kids' faces burned with shame beneath the crumbs.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said George cheerfully.

"George, I know you aren't really familiar with being an uncle and all, but you shouldn't be afraid to say 'no' to the kids."

"No, it's my fault; I offered my chips to them. They said you wouldn't let them but I said it was okay."

Meredith gaped. She wanted to ask if George was high, but a.) her kids were there and b.) she knew for a fact that he was.

"Oh, come on, Mer. It's no big deal. They're very nice and I don't think a little treat would hurt them."

The kids slid their eyes over to Uncle George, who winked so that Meredith could see.

"Well," said Meredith, "I suppose so. Guys I apologize for yelling at you when your uncle said it was all right."

George blinked. His sister apologizing? He wondered if she had maybe gotten into his stash.