November 20, 2002
Today is the day to wield plastic silverware. readers, you must make do without me tomorrow and Friday (and possibly Monday, depending on how hard it is to transition from one Frank Sinatra-songed city to another) , as I will be taking off to the East Coast to visit my New York colleagues. So will leave you with some tidbits such as:
- This ever-so-flattering
article and interview on me by Teresa DiFalco on Suite 101. Read it and
weep! (Weeping optional.)
- The following email and umlaut improvement from Ben
"You know, on Über today, if your computer is set the way mine is, then the comma in the title intersects with the Y in that odd-yet-stylish last name of yours, and kind of looks like some kind of f***** up lightening bolt attacking the thing."
I would go so far as to say it looks like a devil's thingy or a triton, but judge for yourself based on the examples kindly provided by Mr. Hubbard.
- Also, if you feel the need to waste a lot of time in my asbence, there are new questions added to my biography section. While I'm gone, feel free to think up some more on your own.