July 3, 2002

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July 3, 2002

Today is the day to eat watermelon, and possibly some of the seeds.

It is hot, as I write this, very hot. The Zulkeys are not as smug as they might usually be this Tuesday night, as the air conditioning on the upper floors has broken, and we are all sleeping downstairs. It's kind of charming and antiquated, like maybe we should also sleep on hammocks and drink mint juleps and eat corn pone or something like that.

But you know what, that's what's great about this country. In other countries, you're forced to sleep in your own bed, no matter how hot it is, and you're not allowed to entertain any silly, antiquted, Southern stereotyped fantasies.

Anyway, Zulkey.com will be on holiday visiting our nation's capitol, rockin', rollin' and whatnot. I admonish you all to let go of any fears and have a fun and safe and patriotic Fourth o' July. It is a fun country, to say the very least.