Mornings with the boys

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coffeemilk.jpgThis week we have been enjoying a tradition that we started near the end of my second pregnancy, one I feel we probably only have a few years of, max, before the boys get too big, physically and emotionally. Steve and I call it "Coffee and Milk In Bed." It's pretty much what it sounds like. One of us gets up and procures two coffees, black for me, with fake sugar for Steve, a sippy cup of milk for Paul and a bottle of formula for James. Once everyone's emptied their bladders/had their diapers changed, we return to bed to hang out all together. Typically Paul brings some books in bed for us to read while James tries to crawl all over him, which Paul typically tolerates pretty well. Sometimes this is broken up by a bit of playing under the covers or watching a little TV. My favorite version is on the weekends, when I have my People magazine. We can't sleep in anymore but with Coffee and Milk in Bed we still get to enjoy a leisurely start to the day, plus there is built-in cuddly time with our otherwise very on-the-go boys. Since the boys are both in care during the day I don't often talk about what it means to me as a mom to work from home these days but not having to leave the house before everybody wakes up is pretty great. Knowing I don't have to miss Coffee and Milk in Bed during this week off from school is even better.