You know what's the best? The Worst.

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tim-barnes-and-claire-zulkey.jpgMy friend Justin Kaufmann had me on his WGN radio show "The Download" yesterday to take part in a segment called "The Worst" where you discuss the worst possible things. The things I mentioned on-air included:

  • People who take the time to buy and apply anti stick-figure-family car decals (even worse than the decals they ridicule)
  • People who show up to children's music classes or house parties or other situations where they know they will have to take off their shoes and they are wearing their worst possible socks.

  • The discussion of when Leonardo di Caprio will finally win an Oscar (I hope it's this year, so that it's mitigated by it being during an #OscarSoWhite year.)

  • When groups of young women are out and they're all dressed the same.

Some I didn't get around to discuss that are also the worst:

  • Winter dry air, which gives me a fine beard of dry white skin and also causes me to hurt myself with static electric shocks every time I hit the light switch.

  • People who barge into a building while you're trying to get out.

  • When you write a blog entry and you're so proud of yourself for finally figuring out something to write about and then you realize that you already wrote that exact post three years ago.

  • Companies that ask you to write about their product for free and offer you as payment the promise that they might feature your free advertising on their website.

  • People who say things like "Please reply to me" to famous people on Instagram.

I recommend you tune in to Justin's show next week and play. You could win a prize--last night's winner won tickets to see Jimmy Buffet and Huey Lewis in concert, which is the kind of thing I would pretend to be excited to win ironically when I'd secretly be sincerely excited.

Hey I wrote two new pieces for 6 Lessons I Learned After My First Big Trip With My Kid and Real Moms Share: What Are You Secretly Judgy About?-- which ended up being a hot topic on "the View" yesterday!