Do you think the toilet lid (not the seat) should be left up or down?
What's your homepage?
Tracey Swanson
-Wash the sheets every 3-6 months.
-Lid down. For some reason, I'm bothered by looking at standing water in my home.
-Is having a homepage still a thing? The internet is a wondrous world of information, why would I want to keep coming back to the same place? I hitch my wagon to the address bar.
I sleep on top of my comforter (make the bed, sleep on top with another blanket) so I barely use the sheets. But I change about once a month.
Lid up. But I don't really think about it either way.
Homepage? I have 3 tabs that auto load in Chrome: Gmail, Facebook and Twitter.
Once a week.
Always down
Don't really have a homepage. Worked on computers since the late 1960's. Last year, upon retiring, I decided to stay away from computers and other electronic devices as much as possible. It has been great!
Once a week or two depending on laziness, if we've been home and if I've spilled any wine.
Always want to keep the lid of the phone-magnet down.
I have a blog that even I haven't visited for years-don't know if it's still there. Oh, it is.
Sheryl Donnell
Sheets get washed every two weeks minimum
I like to keep toilet open but my husband closes it. so I'm always ready to look up those gnawing questions.
Every two weeks.
I like to keep it down, but it's a losing battle here, as my partner doesn't.
Tracey Swanson
-Wash the sheets every 3-6 months.
-Lid down. For some reason, I'm bothered by looking at standing water in my home.
-Is having a homepage still a thing? The internet is a wondrous world of information, why would I want to keep coming back to the same place? I hitch my wagon to the address bar.
Jessica Jernigan
Once a week. (Ditto towels.)
Down (so the cats don't drink out of it).
- Whenever I realize I haven't washed them in a while
- Lid down! Decreases the likelihood of dropping something in it.
- About:blank. But usually the browser is opened because I clicked a link somewhere else so I don't actually see the home page.
I sleep on top of my comforter (make the bed, sleep on top with another blanket) so I barely use the sheets. But I change about once a month.
Lid up. But I don't really think about it either way.
Homepage? I have 3 tabs that auto load in Chrome: Gmail, Facebook and Twitter.
Once a week.
Always down
Don't really have a homepage. Worked on computers since the late 1960's. Last year, upon retiring, I decided to stay away from computers and other electronic devices as much as possible. It has been great!
Once a week or two depending on laziness, if we've been home and if I've spilled any wine.
Always want to keep the lid of the phone-magnet down.
I have a blog that even I haven't visited for years-don't know if it's still there. Oh, it is.
Sheryl Donnell
Sheets get washed every two weeks minimum
I like to keep toilet open but my husband closes it. so I'm always ready to look up those gnawing questions.
Every two weeks.
I like to keep it down, but it's a losing battle here, as my partner doesn't.