Cheerleaders make $50,000 per year, with their new extra salary taken from front-office staff
Helmets will be designed by winners of middle-grade egg-dropping contests
Each player who suffers a concussion must take a mandatory month off and in that time have three sessions with a professional life coach to consider alternate careers as well as three sessions with a financial adviser
Any player who is guilty of off-field violence is immediately expelled from the league and his team is immediately dropped from playoff contention for the season
The Washington Redskins must change their names to whatever name wins an online team-naming contest. The Kansas City Chiefs, too, because that's only fair
Three-beer limit per person per game
Games are to be played only on Sunday afternoons and Sunday nights to leave more room for TV shows I want to watch on other days and times
Each conference must feature at least one person front office position who is a female, a person of color, and a member of the LGBT community. Two-and-three-fers are allowed
All Super Bowls will take place at Soldier Field
No more patronizing, lip-service pink bullshit
Cleatus is out