We never
thought we were the type of people who would do this, but here we are.
Plenty of other people, including close friends, had taken this plunge,
but my husband and I just assumed we'd be those types who could live
their lives without going on that particular adventure. We'd even told
ourselves that they're obnoxious, attention-seeking little things that
age poorly and prove to be tedious down the line. We'd basically said
they were a bad choice.
But the fact of the matter is that we weren't actually capable of doing
it, which is why, I think, we talked ourselves out of it. For years we
tried and tried, but nothing came of our efforts. We tried "relaxing."
We tried supplements. But still: nothing.
Until recently. It's very, very early, but
I'm too excited not to share the good news with you. I guess we're going
to have to eat our words and just become one of "those couples," but
I'm pleased to announce that apparently, my husband is able to grow a
As you can see, it's quite faint still. Traditionally, it's probably too
early to talk about it in public, but I figure, even if it doesn't
"work out," I'd rather share the experience with people--all of it--than
keep it to ourselves.
But for years, Steve had just assumed it wasn't in the cards for him. He
could grow a beard on his neck, and patches on his cheeks, but not much
every materialized on his face. We're not sure exactly what happened:
maybe it was our vacation, maybe it's the warm weather, maybe we just
needed to be patient, but for whatever reason, it looks like it's
We're over the moon about the prospect of the new addition to our
family. We're scared and excited and feeling a little bit nutty, but
mostly, prepared for the great facial hair adventure that lies ahead. I
know this little guy isn't going to be perfect--no Tom Selleck or Burt
Reynolds here. But we're going to do the best we can.
Also, I am pregnant.