A rough roadmap to a catch-up phonecall with a girlfriend Greeting followed by small-talk niceties and awkward overlapping dialog that comes with being unused to speaking on the phone in a while."How was your day?""What are you having for dinner?" (Presuming the talk is occurring after work but before mealtime.)"How was your week?""What did you do last weekend/last holiday?""How is work?""How is your family/spouse/romantic partner?""How is your house/apartment?" (If house/apartment is new or of note for some reason.)Talk about any immediate weddings or babies either between the conversationalists or close friends.Transition into gossip about other people, possibly cloaked as concern for their welfare.Brief reminiscence about something that happened 10+ years ago.Flow-interrupting call-drop due to bad reception/smartphone face-hangup."How is your pet/child?"Light discussion of weight/diet/exercise/hairstyle/clothes."What are you doing this weekend?"Excitement expressed for the next face-to-face meeting.Banal reason for ending call like eating dinner or spending quality time with spouse.Impulsive "I love you," or, to keep it more casual, "Love you!" Previous entry Next entry