First, a tiny plug: tomorrow I am running the Chicago AIDS Foundation 10K and am trying to raise a few bucks for the cause. In case you have a few dollars left over after the WBEZ pledge drive and want to feel like an extra-good person, go here.
Tom Skilling
interviewee is WGN-TV's chief meteorologist and has been with the
network for over 30 years. You can catch him weekdays on WGN Midday
News, WGN Evening News and WGN News at Nine. Since 1997, he has
masterminded the weather page in the Chicago
Tribune and more recently readers can interact with him on his
oft-updated Facebook page.
His passion for weather led to a daily column and his own weather page
in the Chicago Tribune and a weekly series on WGN News, "Ask Tom".
Tom is a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the
National Weather Association. He serves on the AMS nominating committee
and holds the AMS's Television Seal of Approval and for over 30 years
has hosted an annual tornado and severe weather seminars at the Fermi
National Accelerator Lab (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois. He may also be
the nicest, most enthusiastic person I've ever interviewed.
If you weren't a meteorologist or journalist, what career do
you think you'd pursue?
Quite honestly, I can't imagine pursing a career path other than the one
I've pursued. The weather's intrigued me my entire life and there's not
a day that passes that I don't thank my lucky stars I've been able to
pursue a career in a field I've always found endlessly fascinating. I've
been lucky to do so in an era in which the advancement of our
understanding of the atmosphere's complex workings has exploded. We've
come farther in the science of meteorology over the past 50 years than
in all the time before that back to Aristotle!
What's a weather phenomenon the average person might not care
that much about that you completely geek out over?
The range of weather phenomena which cause me to geek out is pretty
wide. I just shake my head in amazement at times watching a snowstorm or tornadic
squall line come together. I've always been struck by the number of
atmospheric elements that have to come together in just the right way
for them to occur! That our numerical modelers, the geniuses who have
devised the means to mathematically simulate these events so we can see
them unfolding on supercomputer simulations before they actually come
together in real life, is something over which I marvel on a daily
What have been some of the most interesting questions you've
received from readers in "Ask Tom Why"?
The range and quality of Ask Tom questions my staff and I receive and
examine is amazing. It makes you realize there are MANY bright people
who watch the weather very thoughtfully and with inquisitive minds. I
would image we receive on the order of 100 to 200 great questions weekly
and that number hasn't ebbed in the nearly 15 years we've been doing
the Chicago Tribune weather page.
Some of the more interesting questions have been inquiries of how tall
waves have grown in storms on the planet's oceans, whether global
warming is actually occurring (it definitively IS) and questions on how
some of weather events our readers have personally observed have come
Which are the hardest to answer?
The most difficult questions we receive are the ones which ask about the
anticipated weather on dates far in the future. We get those about
upcoming weddings or family trips which are months away. We're not able
to accurately forecast the weather at such time ranges, but some think
we can and we have to break the bad news that we're unable to look that
far into the future.
What's the craziest weather phenomenon you've ever seen with
your own eyes?
My WGN crew and I produced a series on the revolution which has been
underway in meteorology, a series which included a tornado chase out to
Kansas and Oklahoma with veteran extreme weather photographer and storm
chase Jim Reed the spring before last. We encountered a multiple
vortex tornado while filming in northeast Oklahoma. It chased us
down Highway 10 there at 60 mph--and was gaining on us! It developed
suddenly, there was little warning, and it was nearly on top of us when
it turn out into a field and expanding to a swirling mass of rain sheets
nearly a mile across which ultimately hid the twisters.
To look out the window of our chase vehicle while moving at 60 mph and
see a series of tornado vortices (funnels) and rainshafts swirling
within a much larger tornado ranks right up there with events I've
personally experienced. But, conditions at the height of last February's
blizzard were stunning in their own way as was a mammoth ice storm
which hit while I was working in Milwaukee in the 1970s. The storm had
dropped 5" of rain fell into 29-degree air before 60 mph gusts hit. When
the sun emerged the next day, it illuminated what looked like a war
zone covered by downed 100 to 150 year old trees sparkling in the
sunlight as far as the eye could see. The scene was surreal! The ice
build-up knocked out power to 600,000. The State of Wisconsin worked
furiously to get generators our to dairy farmers who relied on
electrically driven milking machines.
Another weather phenomenon which has always caught my eye during trips
to Alaska is "hoar
frost"--a thick, shimmering layer of frost which adheres to all
outdoor surfaces in periods of bitterly cold air. You don't see that
very often in Chicago but it is an amazing thing to witness firsthand---
as are "light pillars"--vertical beams of light which extend vertically
into the air from light sources (i.e. street lights, the setting or
rising sun, etc.) during periods of bitterly cold sub-zero temperatures.
Either because of breaking news or general craziness in the
studio, what's the most you've ever had to scramble on-air?
Oh my, there have been many instances of fast-breaking weather
situations in which, in order to get news of serious weather out to
viewers quickly--and to do so accurately, we've hit the air in what
might be described as a state of "organized chaos". There was a
fast-moving squall line which swept our viewing area producing damage
from one corner of our viewing area to another back on August 4, 2008.
This squall line, known in the weather profession as a "derecho",
forced fans to evacuate to the lower level of Wrigley Field. It
generated 11,000 cloud to ground lightning strikes in a matter of hours
and knocked out power to thousands as it crossed northern Illinois. We
had to scramble to get warnings out on in that storm because the
situation literally changed by the minute.
But there have been other instances in which the computer graphics
system we rely on to visualize the weather on our programs and on which
we work for hours preparing the graphics we show viewers during weather
segments, has died moments before we've hit the air. Having no graphics
to illustrate the developing weather situation is a moment which can
only be characterized as life at its lowest ebb for a television
People often blame meterologists for either weather they don't
like or weather that was mis-predicted (I'm thinking of a particular day
earlier this summer where we were promised extreme heat but it was
gusty and cool instead.) Is this type of scapegoating ever appropriate?
People make plans which are thrown off course by erroneous forecasts.
The outcry when a forecast fails is understandable and I can tell you
that that these are the lowest moments in a forecasters working life.
But let's put these in perspective. No forecaster approaches the
preparation of a forecast with anything less than 100% accuracy as his
or her goal. Forecasts aren't always going to be perfect. You're
dealing with one of the most complex natural systems known and, by any
measure, predictions have improved significantly and will continue to
Predictions of our weather at Day 5 have the accuracy of predictions 2
days out in the late 1960s. The mammoth January, 1967 blizzard--to this
day, Chicago's worst, literally struck without warning. A storm of that
magnitude is not likely to strike without warning again.
Our February blizzard was spotted a week ahead of time and each of the
deadly swarms of tornadoes which ravaged places like Tuscaloosa,
Alabama, Joplin, Missouri and St. Louis this past spring, were predicted
hours in advance--the general severe weather situations which produced
them were identified as much as a week in advance. Errors in hurricane
tracks have been cut in half 5 days out--more in the short term.
Hurricane Irene, for all the criticism of media coverage of the storm,
actually tracked as predicted fours days ahead of its devastating romp
up the East Coast. It's historic rains were predicted and as was its
A little perspective is called for in these situations. That a forecast
goes badly off course on occasion--and the operative words here are "on
occasion"--- is a testament to the atmosphere's complexity and also the
trouble we still have will certain atmospheric processes, like the flow
of air out of thunderstorms. In general, the smaller the atmospheric
event, the harder it is to forecast. The bust you've described in the
heat forecast, occurred in meteorological terms, on the scale of about
half a state. Heat DID occur but, cool winds out of repetitive t-storms
which traveled down Lake Michigan, deterred its advance into the city
and Chicago's suburbs (though 90+ temps did make it into western
Certain thunderstorms can cause forecasters trouble when, as happened
with the failed heat earlier this summer. We had predicted near 100
degree temperatures and unexpectedly persistent thunderstorms, which had
been expected to flare farther east then move on early in the day,
allowing heat all around us to surge into Chicago. Instead, the storms
kept firing over Lake Michigan. This sent cooling outflows into the area
off chilly Lake Michigan waters the entire day, blocking the advance of
hot air.
Heating DID occur to Chicago's west and--and it actually surged into the
area following day. But on the day in question, temperatures held to
the low 70s. A forecast like this is a meteorologist's worst nightmare.
We devote long days in our effort not to let such a forecast happen. But
for all the criticism unleashed in such a situation, forecasts busts of
that magnitude are hardly the norm--they actually occur quite rarely.
How many weather records have you seen broken during your career
in Chicago, and which was the most exciting or frightening?
I've been witness to many daily temperature records being broken over my
45 years in the weather profession, but some of the really significant
records I've witnessed have include the four biggest snowstorms in the
city's history (1967, 1979, 1999 and 2011), the record for the deadliest
heat wave ever which included the city's highest heat index on record
(124-degrees) in the deadly 1995 heat wave, the biggest statewide
rainfall ever (the 17" cloudburst in July 1996 centered on Naperville
and Aurora), the coldest daily temperatures ever (-26 in 1982 and -27 in
winter 1985), the biggest seasonal snow on record (89.6" in the 1978-79
snow season) and the area's worst tornado outbreak on record April 21,
I used to be terrified of lightning and while I still don't love
it I've gotten over it to a certain extent. Does this lack of fear now
make me more likely to get struck? Actually, my real question is, are
you less likely to get struck by lightning in an urban area than in a
rural one?
What a great question. A great number of lightning fatalities have
involved men and have occurred in outdoor work or sports situations--in
both rural AND urban settings.
Construction workers, farmers, golfers and hikers have suffered a
disproportionate number of lightning related injuries over time. But
mariners or anyone outdoors can be at risk and, the fact men have been
victims of lightning strikes more frequently than women, shouldn't be
interpreted as an indication women aren't just as threatened by--and
indeed have suffered--- lightning injuries as serious as any involving
Regarding the lightning risk in urban vs. rural areas, the fact that its
sometimes harder to see storms approaching in urban settings than in
the open country surrounding, may offset the fact there may be more tall
objects/buildings for lightning to strike in cities compared to rural
areas. And it should be noted that it doesn't necessarily follow that
because there are tall buildings which seem easier lightning targets,
that lightning can't find a way down to street level where it can do
harm in cities.
What's a weather phenomenon you've never seen that you'd like to
in real life?
I've never witnessed "red sprites" or "blue
jets"---colorized lightning discharges which emanate from the tops
of towering cumulonimbus clouds (thunderheads). There's been
fascinating research on these done by the University of Alaska in
Fairbanks and they have been spotted here in the Lower 48. I've never
seen them and would like to.
Do you use a weather app on your phone or Ipad? Which one?
We have a new WGN
Weather Center iPad app which is quite good and getting better.
We've just upgraded the radar imagery and other real time weather data
on it.
What tips do you have for actors or broadcasters who find that
they have to perform with puppets?
My advice regarding performing with puppets is go to it and have fun if
you're so inclined---but NOT on the weather show!
Who are
some of your favorite broadcasters, local or otherwise, past or
I have so many favorites and I know I am going to miss some, but here
goes: on television, Harry
Volkman, John
Coleman, Jack Taylor, John
Drury, Rick Rosenthal, Pat Harvey, Len O'Connor, Bill
Frink, Denise Cannon, Steve
Sanders, Dina
Bair, Mark
Suppelsa, Micah
Materre, Sean
Lewis, Bob
Jordan, Jackie
Bange, Mike
Hamernik, Larry
Potash, Robin
Baumgarten, Jim
Ramsey, Lourdes
Duarte, John Callaway, Geoffrey
Baer, Joel Weisman--and so many others! On the radio side, WGN's Garry
Meier, Steve
and Johnnie Putnam, Dean
Richards and Greg Jarrett.
What's your favorite parade?
Some favorites because of the energy and enthusiasm of those involved
and attending: The Bud
Billiken, St. Patrick's Day and Pride Parades. We have MANY great
parades in this city!
Between the blizzard, the extreme rainfall, the heatwave and
what I perceived to be an extremely unpleasant spring, how does this
year compare so far to others when it comes to most eventual weather
years in Chicago?
This year has had its weather moments to be sure! The February Blizzard
was one of only three here to produce more than 20" of snow. Summer was
the area's third wettest in 141 years of weather records!
How does it feel to be the 294th person interviewed for and now WBEZ?
I am absolutely THRILLED to be the 294th person to be interviewed for!!! THANK YOU so much for including me!