List: This Holiday's Deadliest Toys

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The Dinkle Winkle Hug Machine (high lead levels)

Little Miss Goo Goo talking doll (flammable)

Puppy Sniff Sniff (toxic fumes)

Chee Chee Wee Gentle Giggling Fluffy Friend (exploding danger)

Sparkle Puddin' (may induce psychosis)

Princess Mew (dangerously high decibel levels: can cause deafness in adults)

Soft Bubble Tag (explosion threat)

Apple Dumpling Corncob Old Timey Family Board Game (glass shards)

Special Naptime Pillow Fun (fire)

Wiggle Waggle Wobbler (sexual threat)

This list is fictional, in case you didn't know. Speaking of deadly, I interviewed John Lithgow for the L.A. Times yesterday on his role as the spooktacular Trinity Killer on "Dexter."