I actually had a blog post written for today but I have so many writings to round up I figured I'd save it. OK so here are things:
At the AV Club, I covered Entourage last night. Also, I contributed to the piece "You'll lick this picture business: 27 movies about the difficulty of making movies".
I made my debut at the Daily Beast today with "Dexter's Killer Season" and make sure to check out the slide show.
And finally, I don't know if you know this but I very recently published a book called An Off Year and accordingly submitted it to The Page 69 Test.
If you live in Chicago and would like to see me read (for the first time!) from the book and maybe say hi and buy a book or five and have me sign them awkwardly and messily, please come by the Book Cellar's Local Author Night, which will also be featuring Tasha Alexander (Tears of Pearl), Scott Blackwood (We Agreed to Meet Just Here) and Joan Napre (Beautiful Dreamer).