February 2009 Archives

  1. Guest Blogger Robert Buscemi: "My Facebook Legend Is SO Vast, and You Are SO Jealous!"
  2. Yo Dawg I Herd U Like Memes
  3. Moveable Crap
  4. List: On-Demand Programs My Friends Justin & Julie Have Watched Only Because Someone Else In Their Building Was Watching Them (The Only Way They Can Watch Things On-Demand, for Some Reason)
  5. Thanks and Have Fun Running the Country
  6. The Best Athlete in Our House is Not Human
  7. Nazis and Paparazzi
  8. List: Job Listings I Found Where I Could Be In a Wacky Comedy if I Actually Got the Job
  9. Straighten Up and Fly Coach
  10. The Greg Robillard Interview
  11. Confessions of a Hater
  12. Literary Death Match
  13. List: Some Words That Describe Chris Brown and his Physical Activities, According to T.I.
  14. Well, I've Done it Again
  15. Neti Pot
  16. Still Sick
  17. Letterman for Governor
  18. List: Things I Have Learned from the Show "Intervention"
  19. Superb Owl