The New Jolie-Pitts

Plug: check out my "So You Think You Can Dance" writeup for the LATimes--I've finally broken into first-person.

So I read this gossip site and there was a post yesterday about these DJs who want Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to name their new kids after them: Mauler and Rush Jolie-Pitt. So I pondered the question, if the twins were named after the stupid AM DJs in everyone's home town, what would be some good suggestions? I posited "Eddie and JoBo Jolie-Pitt" (Eddie and JoBo have been doing the morning show on the Killer Bee, B96 since before I was born, I think). Here were some other ideas based on other people's DJ's:

Mad-Dog and Billie Jolie-Pitt.

Jenny Boom-Boom Jolie-Pitt

Bobby and LunchBox Jolie-Pitt

RatBoy and StayPuff Jolie-Pitt

Ryan Seacrest Jolie-Pitt

Mojo and Deep Voice Guy Jolie-Pitt

Quicksilver and Angie Ang Jolie-Pitt

Personally I like Lunchbox and Ratboy although Lunchbox is a little better because it's not really quite as gender-specific.