The Five Year Anniversary Inventory

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Today is the day to close the window.

Looking for Team Pam/Team Karen shirts? Find them here!

You have a few more days to submit your suggestions on what to do with 500 useless business cards. Make sure you make them good, though, because the ideas I've been getting so far have been great!

I never remember to do this on the actual day of my anniversary, but this is as good a time as any...

The Five Year Anniversary Inventory

Number of lists published (including this one) 217

Number of people interviewed: 176

Number of Zulkey family members interviewed: 6

Number of people who asked to have their interview taken down: 1

Number of people on the NotifyList: 300

Number of versions of Dreamweaver used: 2

Success rate of instituting an RSS feed thus far: 0%

Number of total posts counted before I lost count: 169

Approximate total number of posts published: 1000


Thanks for wasting your time with me lo these many years!