Today is the day to clear the sinuses.
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A Call for Creativity
Some of you may know that up until this year, I was the editor of a blog called I was let go from this position (amicably) but there is some unfinished business I need to attend to. Namely, shortly before I was released from my position, I had received a box of business cards from the company.
So I have this entire box (500? 1000? I'm never sure how many come in a standard box of business cards) of these business cards, which are actually pretty nice. They're lime green on one side and on the other describe me as the "editor" of the site, which made me feel very fancy. They seem like good stock, and I didn't want to waste them by just throwing them out once I no longer worked for the company.
A couple times I used the cards as scrap paper, but you can't do much with a scrap of paper that's two by four inches. I thought about throwing them out the window with a flourish, which would look pretty cool coming from my twelfth floor high rise apartment, but I realized that a.) The screens are not removeable from the windows and b.) Since my phone number is on the cards, it's likely that I would get many angry phone calls for littering.
I was pretty much out of ideas. But I think that there is still something good that can be done with these cards.
That's why I turn to you, the readers.
If you have any ideas on what should be done with these cards, please let me know by next Wednesday. Of course creativity is welcome but I will be choosing a winner based on innvoation plus feasibility plus any possible cathartic "take this job" symbolism. (Although let's keep it classy, folks--I'm not trying to burn any bridges. No butt wiping, for instance.)
The winner will receive the cards in the mail, along with a nominal prize. I'm hoping that the winner will then photograph the results of his or her idea so I can post them on the site.
Per usual, all suggestions will be posted on here for everyone's entertainment (if you have a blog or site you'd like me to link to with your suggestion, please let me know.)
Happy thinking! This box is next to me as I speak and I'm looking forward to getting it the hell off my desk. It's a small desk and taking up precious space.