Some ideas for Tori Amos

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The other day I read on my favorite gossip site that on May 1st, singer Tori Amos is releasing an album called "American Doll Posse." The artwork accompanying this announcement features Amost standing in front of a subdivision house wearing a red sequin dress with a dead expression on her face. Her arms are oustretched and in one hand shes' holding a Bible, and the other is turned up to reveal the word "Shame" written on it. She's standing with her legs spread apart and blood is dripping down one of them from beneath the skirt. There's a small puddle of blood on the ground.

A prior album was 1996's include "Boys for Pele," which has a photo of Amost sitting in a pair of sweatpants in a rocking chair on the hay-strewn front porch of a cabin. One of the legs of the pants is split open to reveal a mud-spattered leg that shes' got propped up over the arm of the chair. She's holding a shotgun as she smiles mysteriously at the camera and a rattlesnake winds its way around the bottom of the chair. Other albums have names like "Under the Pink" and "Scarlet's Walk" and "Strange Little Girls" and have artwork that features Amos smiling mysteriously or defiantly at the camera, sometimes wearing a necklace made of onions, sometimes standing in the middle of a desolate road in a delicate floral dress (arms outstretched) or apparently throwing up on an abandoned mattress in a garbage-strewn field as cows look on.

I have a few ideas for future album titles and accompanying artwork for Amos:

"China Baby Murderer":
Amos is in a carnival shooting gallery, wearing a tattered wedding gown. She is barefoot and looks ethereal. She is aiming a rocket launcher at the targets, which are baby doll heads.There is a dog sniffing around the edge of the photo.

"Beautiful Straitjacket":
Amos beatifically wields a whip as she wears a toga and drives a chariot that's being pulled by six men on their hands and knees. We do not see their faces. There are some broken flowers scattered on the ground. It is shot at the Colosseum in Rome.

"Axe-Wielding Flower Vagina":
Amos looks relaxed and peaceful at the gynecologist's office as she reclines in the chair with her legs in the stirrups. She is wearing a hospital gown but six inch dominatrix shoes. Her gynecologist is actually a well-dressed female mannequin who is completely bald. Amos is holding a kitten.

"Ovaries for Christ"
Amos writhes around on top of a grand piano, sort of looking like she's getting raped by the piano. She looks calm, though, and elegant, almost like she's in control of the situation. She is dressed as the Virgin Mary. There is a lot of broken glass on the floor.

"Smiling Crazy Dead Eyes Girl Woman":
The shot is underwater in a swimming pool, looking up at Amos, who is face down in the water, smiling mysteriously with her eyes open. She is completely naked except for some flowers covering up her breasts and a frog-shaped pool toy covering up her pubic area. Her hair is red and spread about her like a crazy halo. We see that there is a lightning storm going on above her. Also, she is holding a gun.

"Smell the Glove":
The cover features a woman on a leash on all fours, being forced to smell a black leather glove. On the other hand, maybe it will just be all black. Sort of like the White Album, but black.