New Charges Raised Against Astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak

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New Charges Raised Against Astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak

Lisa Nowak, the astronaut recently charged with attempted murder after driving from Texas to Florida to attack another woman who was allegedly a rival for a male astronaut's attention, now faces serious bizarre additional charges that may in fact earn her the death penalty.

Witnesses have now placed Nowak at the scene of two other incidents which previously had been seen as freak accidents.

In February 2003, shortly before liftoff, Nowak was seen scurrying away from the Space Shuttle Columbia wearing a wig, sunglasses and trench coat shortly before liftoff from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Sixteen days later, the craft broke up in flames over Texas, killing all seven astronauts aboard. It is now being alleged that Nowak had a "more than a working relationship but less than a romantic relationship" with commander Rick Husband, and felt that Kalpana Chawla, the first female astronaut of Indian birth, was a rival for his affections.

Witnesses also place Nowak, wearing a false mustache, floppy hat and another trench coat, near the Challenger Space Shuttle shortly before its disastrous launch in 1986. Even though Nowak had not yet even graduated from the Naval academy yet, friends say that she felt that Christa McAuliffe, heralded as the first schoolteacher to go into space, was 'horning in' on commander Francis "Dick" Scobee.

Even though there were no female astronauts involved, and Nowak would have only been two years old, investigators are looking into whether there was any connection between her and the fire that killed the astronauts aboard Apollo 1 in 1967.

"It's kind of impressive, actually," admitted Bill Oefelein, the NASA astronaut who Nowak was most recently interested in. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't flattered."