January 18, 2007

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Today is the day to buy wide-legged pants, defiantly.

Looking for Team Pam/Team Karen shirts? Find them here!

While I love Hollywood news and crap as much as anybody else, I have no desire to participate in it. I've never wished I could be at the premiere of a movie. The red carpet doesn't do it for me. And when they shoot movies here in Chicago, it snarls traffic and irritates me with gapers instead of enchants me.

However the exception to the rule is the Sundance festival, which starts today. I would love to attend the Sundance festival. Why? Is it for me well-known love of edgy, independent movies? Or my world-class skiing?

No, of course not. It's the clothes.

One of my favorite things ever about ski trips is not the skiing but that for some reason in the mountains its fashionable to wear bulky sweaters and corduroys and big boots, whereas at home where it's even colder I wouldn't be caught dead wearing my NorthFace jacket to work (it's yellow and black, like a bee.)

But the best thing it seems about Sundance is that not only can you dress comfortably, you can do it in a ridiculous manner. Here is what I would imagine wearing if I got to go to Sundance:

Mink vest: $1,995.00


Practical, comfortable boots: $ 2514.55 


And some practical sunglasses: $420.00


You know, just keeping it casual. Guys like casual. Guys like Jake Gyllenhaal. Oh how I love the cinema.