Today is the day to jack some swagger.
Hello, "Office" fans--apparently I am the only person on Team Karen out there because people have only been buying (seriously) the Team Pam shirts! Come on! Get your act together! Get yours here and represent!
A Not-So-Timely List: Funny Names of Politicians Who Were Running for Office as of Last Week
Georgia: Sonny Perdue (R)
Idaho: C.L. "Butch" Otter (R)
South Dakota: Jack Billion (D) ["no photo available"]
Vermont: Scudder Parker (D)
Wyoming: Ray Hunkins (R)
Virginia: Virgil Goode (R) vs. Al Weed (D)
And a few from all California races:
Hydra Mendoza
Richard Van Loon
Boots Whitmer
Chuck Poochigian
Ed Jew