Should I Adopt an African Baby? Pros and Cons

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Today is the day to serve on a grand jury, not some regular old one.

Should I Adopt an African Baby? Pros and Cons


Makes me look nice

Makes me look 'compassionate'

Makes me look like I like children

Makes me look colorblind

Makes me look like I care about Africa, or at least one person from there

Never alone ever again.

Excuse to buy more cute clothes and stuff.

Will make all my friends jealous


Won't get fat



I live in a studio apartment

I just spent $400 in boots. African babies are expensive?

Can't go out to bars as often

Going to have to quit getting drunk so often in general

Don't know how to do black hair

What if he/she is allergic to peanuts? I like peanuts.

Potty training?

Required to keep going back to Africa?

No nanny

Boyfriend might get annoyed

Going to have to put away antique broken glass collection

Solution: Are Cambodian babies still in?