Today is to shun bubble tea.
I have never liked Gywneth Paltrow, but now I feel that to continue doing so might be racist.
Anyway.Book By Its Cover Review: The Movie 'World Trade Center'
Like I said, I haven't seen this movie but I totally intend to. This morning as I applied my self-tanner, I heard the exciting news that the aviation world has come to a halt as UK authorities have arrested a bunch of (alleged) bad guys who were planning on using liquid explosives to blow up some international flights. (Fortunately I have finished my vacations for the year because I don't know what I'd do without my lotions, liquids, gels, liquid soaps, toilet waters, perfumes, mousses, sauces and juices--as essential to flying as a cashmere blanket or an Evian atomizer--and by the way, does that count as a liquid or is it more of a mist?) This is pretty thrilling, and makes me want to see this 'World Trade Center' movie. I can't imagine what it would be like if the UK terrorists had succeeded at their plan, but I can at least get an idea by going to see the film. Can you imagine if something like that happened here in the States? Crazy. Oliver Stone has such a wild imagination. Only in "Hollyweird" can such a story be told.