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Book By Its Cover Review: Dying by Falling Into a Volcanic Fissure
I read this news item on one of my favorite sources for news: the Drudge Report. And while I sympathize with the families that have lost loved ones, you have to hand it to the three people who died: they really know how to make an exit.
There are plenty of stupid ways to die: drowning in three inches of water, tripping and falling and suffering a brain hemorrhage, or choking on a piece of meat. There are tons of mundane ones as well. Who wants to contribute yet another heart attack to the world?
It's special though when you find a method of dying that's not only unusual but pretty rock n' roll. Falling into a volcano? The only thing that's maybe cooler than that is either falling into a bottomless crevasse as you grab for Jesus' drinking cup, or perhaps getting swallowed whole by a shark that jumps out of the ocean as you fall out of a helicopter while on fire.
The only thing that's a shame is that the people who died this way already were living pretty exciting lives as members of a ski patrol team. It would have been cooler if it was a bunch of accountants or something who had lived extremely dull lives but then had the privilege of having "Killed By Volcano" on their tombstone.
Of course, this all reminds me of one of my favorite "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey: "If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, forget em', cause, man, they're gone."