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Book By Its Cover Review: Having Hair Delivered to Your Doorstep
Somebody sent me this yesterday, and I was intrigued. Well not so much intrigued as "Ah, now I have something I can write about tomorrow in a 'humorous' manner." Everybody likes picking on people who wear fake hair. Actually now that I think about it people like to pick on people who wear fake hair but rarely pick on the bald themselves. Of course I can understand that people going bald might not like the situation (I wouldn't enjoy it), but they should think about how much life easier would be if you just go with the baldness instead of trying to cover it up.
(Note: I am talking about your run of the mill male pattern baldness, not situations like alopecia or chemotherapy. I'll make fun of those people tomorrow.)
It makes sense to have hair delivered to your door. After all, who wants to be spotted going into a hair clinic? I'm sure more than one of you has reaped the benefits of ordering embarrassing or disgusting items from to spare yourself from being spotted buying armfuls of condoms or wart medicine (or both.)
However, I don't know, I think I would lose my nerve once the risk-free custom fitting kit came in the mail. Not only do you suddenly have different color swatches of hair sitting strangely in your house, you have to watch a video about how to get your fake hair. If you have roommates or a wife or what have you, this might be even harder on the ego than going out to get your hair. If you're that embarrassed about the hair, imagine the shame of hiding the kit, or watching the video in secret.
On the other hand, for those of us who enjoy catalogue or online shopping, the anticipation of getting new hair in the mail must be unmatched. I'm tempted to skip work today just to look through the different hairstyles.
And, I can't lie, the hair looks pretty good on most of these guys in the before and after pictures. Except maybe for Kirby, whose hair looks sort of like cotton candy.
So, I see the value of mail-order hair. However, again, as a female, I'd prefer a confident bald man to a guy who has to consider what kind of toupee tape to shop for.