Today is the day to be happy for someone.
There are new events in the events section. Also, do you have a question for my mom, Mrs. (that is not sex-related)? Send it in. And finally, you can win a contest just by complaining about a dead celebrity!
A.J. Jacobs' Other Book Ideas
Living the Alphabet: Only using words that begin with one letter per year (26 year long project)
ROYGBIV: The Color Diet
Adhering to every single law the country laws down for me: One Crazy Adventure
The Ark Project: How many pairs of animals can I fill my house with before my wife divorces me?
Modern Day Machiavelli: Will my district elect an official that follows the advice of a Renaissaince political theorist?
Mr. Synonym: This project is going to be fun, exciting, adventurous, thrilling, fantastic and more.
Typhoid Mary: Is it possible to contract every known disease to man and survive long enough to make it through a book tour?