Today is the day to buy Philly Swirls when you go to Sam's Club.
There are new events in the events section. Also, do you have a question for my mom, Mrs. (that is not sex-related)? Send it in.
Yes I Am Asking You to Write Something But You Can Actually Get a Prize This Time
You may remember my interview with writer and critic Chuck Klosterman, author of Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, some time ago. Well, Mister Klosterman has a new book out, Killing Yourself to Live, and his people have kindly sent me a copy of the new book, plus the previous one, to share with you.
But you don't get it for free. Well, you do, but you have to do something if you want me to send you a book. According to the Reed Business Information review of Killing Yourself to Live, "Klostermanfollows up on 2003's Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by expanding on an article he wrote for Spin about driving cross-country to visit several of America's most famous rock and roll death sites, from the Rhode Island club where more than 90 Great White fans died in a fire, to the Iowa field where Buddy Holly's plane crashed."
So I've devised a contest that I think might be worthy of Chuck: which death of a musician do you think is the most overrated, overanalyzed, overreported or over-mourned? Do you think that Kurt Cobain was really nothing compared to Elliott Smith? Did you never really get the Aaliyah thing? Or did you think that the day the music died wasn't really such a dark day after all?
Send me who you think we should have let pass away with less fanfare--and with good rationale why. Next week, I'll run the input: first prize winner receives the new book, second prize gets Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs. I will judge, promising not to use any musical prejudices, merely interpreting the most intriguing proposals and arguments.Your deadline is 11:59 PM CST Sunday, July 24: send it in to me. . Get going and cause a stir!