Book By Its Cover Review: Funky Monkey

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May 26 2005

Today is the day to know it's my brother Jack's birthday but I don't know which email address to put here to send him birthday wishes.

This sort of feels like a chain letter, and if I don't link, that means I die. But I am a B-lister, which is much better than being a no-lister. The next time I meet someone at a party I'm going to be all, "Hey, I'm on the Blogebrity B-List" and when they look at me quizzically, it will just mean they're jealous.

Ah, baseball season. Sometimes it can inspire you, such as waxing on about the joys of having a first place team. Other times, it can keep you out at a Cubs night game, where the lack of inspiration can force you to drink many a $5.50 Old Style Light. After nights like that, you think less.


Book By Its Cover Review: Funky Monkey

I'm just going to let review #2 speak for itself.