Book by Its Cover Review: Using the Power of Prayer to Cure Drug Addiction

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Book by Its Cover Review: Using the Power of Prayer to Cure Drug Addiction

I should mention that I am strictly referring to Whitney Houston in today's post, because while there might be hundreds of you out there who have conquered your crippling heroin addiction through Jesus, it obviously hasn't worked for Houston. Also, I am Catholic so I am allowed to make hilarious jokes about prayer.

Anyway, based on Whitney Houston's experiences, which have included at least two stints in rehab and an absolutely priceless turn on Diane Sawyer, I am going to be forced to conclude that one might need more than prayer to get over drugs.

Actually, maybe praying to be let off drugs only doesn't work because Whitney Houston is Whitney Houston. God thinks, "You're rich, you're famous, you get yourself out of this and quit wasting your time," and then cures people's addictions who can't afford rehab.

On the other hand, maybe Houston wasn't just praying for the right stuff. Pray for methodone, a bucket, some Gatorade. Pray for a husband other than Bobby Brown?

I don't know. It's hard coming up with something original on Whitney Houston, okay?