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Today is the day to find something on the beach.

Did you know that I got an 800 on the verbal section of the SAT's? (second time around, I admit.) Well, that score is no longer really anything to be proud of, because as you may know, they have changed the format of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, starting last weekend. On the one hand, I'm happy about this because the new version sounds harder than the old one. On the other hand, I can't brag about my perfect verbal score anymore (not that there was anything pathetic about bragging about a test score I got nearly ten years ago.)

I'm also saddened on behalf of the chirren because the test has now done away with the analogies portion of the exam. I loved the analogies: they were fun, they were kind of easy, and they had ways of figuring them out (thanks to the Princeton Review and Kaplan) if you didn't know the answer. Plus, Conan O'Brien now can't do his bit on the analogy portion of the test anymore. See if you can figure out how important I really think the SAT's are:

human:oxygen :: SAT: ____

U2:Bono:: aptitude tests: ___

hip hop:sampling :: verbal acumen:___

the middle east:peace :: high school students:___

reality TV:"can't-miss episodes": :: college admissions:___

Sandra Bullock:a new agent :: the whole world: ___

me:a better joke premise :: a brighter future: ___