Book By Its Cover Review: Finding Nemo on Ice

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Book By Its Cover Review: Finding Nemo on Ice

I should say up front that I have never seen a single performance on ice other than the three hockey games I have attended in my life. Although I remind you that that is the point of this feature: reviewing things I know nothing about.

I guess the thing that stymies me is the total randomness of the idea of taking an animated feature, dressing adult humans in costumes to resembled characters from said cartoon, then sticking ice skates on them to reenact the movie. You could say that it's like your favorite movie is coming to life, only it's not. Nobody went ice skating in "Aladdin" or "Monsters Inc."

But why ice? Why not just on stage? Or how about underwater? Maybe outside? Somebody very important one day decided to give this idea the green light, that this is an obvious translation of a film. I'd personally like to see other feature films on ice, like maybe "Kill Bill" or "Mulholland Drive."

I have seen commercials for Finding Nemo on ice and another thing that bothers me is that it seems that the actors don't actually speak. They move along to interpret a recorded audio track, sort of like Ashlee Simpson. That would confuse me if I were a child. Who is speaking? Where is that voice coming from? What does that person playing Nemo actually sound like? Why can't the skaters also act, reading lines into a wireless mic? Just cut down on the triple axels and take it easy and you can handle the script, I bet.

Admittedly, the costumes for Finding Nemo on ice look very pretty and actually a lot like the animated characters, which is less jarring than seeing a guy in a heavy "Beast" costume jumping around. But how are you going to explain what these fish are doing on ice? Isn't that going to kill them? What if the actors accidentally fall down? Fish don't fall down!

This is hurting my head and it's a tough one. If Finding Nemo can answer all these questions, then I just have to applaud it for challenging nature and winning. But if not, I'm just going to go with my initial reading that it's simply weird.