Some obsessions

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Today is the day to sleep with the windows open.

Next week begins another turn in the exciting world of the Virtual Book Tour, which I will be a part of, and to preface it, I'd like to talk a little bit about obsessions.

There are obsessions like the kind I've had on the Beatles or White Sox first baseman Paul Konerko. There are obsessions like the one I have with macaroni and cheese. But then there are the other kind.

It's the kind that make me don't care if I blow my nose quite graphically on the bus, because any type of nasal obstruction makes me want to scream. It's the kind that makes my boyfriend mad at me if I accidentally knock down his perfect pile of change. It's the kind that would keep the ex-boyfriend of a friend of mine in bed because he wouldn't get out of bed unless his alarm went off on a number ending in '4.'

Those weird idiosyncracies that interrupt your life for absolutely no reason. Another one for me is feet. There are some people who absolutely cannot stand feet, no matter whose they are, and I am not one of those people, although I'd probably be less turned off by a bloody nose than I would be by a pair of ugly feet. As long as the feet are acceptable in my mind (clean, trimmed, etc) then they're ok, but it goes beyond the foot. If someone is wearing socks that I perceive to be imperfect beyond my standards, then I'm instantly grossed out. I hate how young boys run around and let their socks fall off their feet gradually, flopping around at the toe. I almost didn't date my boyfriend because he had holes in his socks (and you don't even want to know why.) One easy way to bother me is to wear sock inside-out. There have been times where I have been running late to something extremely important and I realize that I have put my socks on inside out and I'll take the time to turn them right-side in and put them back on, because that fuzzy thread of the inside-out seam staring at me just looks so gross and wrong. It makes no sense.

What are your obsessions? What are the strange habits and preferences that interrupt your daily schedule, that might not be socially acceptable, that might have no explanation at all? Please email me and I will share them next week as we talk about the current touring book.