October 7,
Today is the day to leave a penny.
Answers to Questions Posed by Singer/Songwriters
Q: Where is the Love?
A: Try the glove compartment.
Q: When is Now?
A: Um...now? Or maybe five minutes from now.
Q: Where Did Our Love Go?
A: I thought it was still here. Apparently we have differing feelings on where this relationship is going. I think we need to have a talk.
Q: Who is Johnny?
A: Oh my god, I thought he was one of your friends.
Q: What'd I Say?
A: I think it was something about taking out the trash.
Q: Who Let the Dogs Out?
A: It was those damn kids!
Q: Do You Hear What I Hear?
A: You mean that humming sound? Or that tinking noise? I'm not sure.
Q: Does Your Mother Know?
A: No, and if she did, she'd be so pissed!
Q: Is That All There Is?
A: Yeah.