Zulkey Stalker

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August 30, 2004

Today is the day to ask, "Jigga what?"

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You know what day it is! It's time for...

Zulkey Stalker
Wherein Zulkey.com readers write in with their spottings of the as-famous-as-it-gets-in-Chicago

  • Spotted that guy who I always see in the hallway of my office building. He is still so cute.

  • Ran right into Ronnie Woo-Woo. I can't believe it was actually him. Does he seem a little crazy to you?

  • Spotted Ronnie Woo-Woo on Clark and Addison. What does he do in the wintertime?

  • I can't believe I actually saw Channel 32 anchor Mark Suppelsa walking down the street. Boy is too thin, though...somebody give him a steak!

  • What a day of star-watching! I was hanging out at Michigan and Chicago and I saw the man who wears the sandwich boards about communists or aliens or something, the one with the weird hat. He was being weird, per usual. Then I crossed the street and who did I see but the street performer who wears silver paint and stands kind of still.

  • Saw Ira Glass walking down the street. I think. He was just walking. I was walking too.

  • I was out for a cigarette at LaSalle and Adams and across the street I saw the old man who wears the beat-up gorilla costume who hands out fliers for some gym. Then I saw him later, in an alley, without the head on, smoking a cigarette.

  • Weird eyebrowless old man continues to hang out at the Starbucks near my office in Streeterville.