Introducing the Budding Young Theologian

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March 29, 2004

Today is the day to order something really gross from the meat counter.

ORDER MY BOOK! exists to bring entertainment and knowledge to its readers, and today I'm proud to introduce the newest in an extremely long line of advice columnists.

First was Dr. Hot Pants, who delivered the inside scoop on medicine to those of you willing to ask questions of an extremely intelligent, overworked medical student. Then came Dear Zulk, the two-week-old advice column about, well, whatever.

But now it's time to advise you on the really important stuff. We obviously live in stressful times, and the topic of religion has been in the news even more than usual, in addition to the everyday confusion that IS theology.

Fortunately, we do have an expert for you. Just seen The Passion and have a query or two? Want to change religions? Never really understood what a Pharisee was?

Ask a budding young theologian (BYT). He possesses an MA in Theology from Union Theological Seminary and he is currently working on a book about living a life of faith in the city, while living a life that embraces the city culture and all it has to offer.

God is a tricky guy, lady, idea, thing or nonentity. You've got questions. The BYT's got answers. Send your queries in.