Lucky Dip

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December 23, 2003

Today is the day to just phone What About Joan.


Can't get enough me? I know I can't. is intercontinental (when it eats French toast), and its proprietess is interviewed on the Australian website Lucky Dip. will be operating on a sporadic schedule over the next two weeks, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. As you well know, New Year's will soon be upon us, which means that it's time for resolutions which you will never keep. I, for instance, intend to break my resolutions to lose weight, get more sleep, and write a novel. I may also attempt, for a short period of time, to refrain from wasting too much time online and perhaps make a halfhearted attempt to take better care of my hair.

What good intentions do you foresee falling by the wayside as 2004 proceeds? Email me the resolutions which you probably won't keep. Who knows, if you come up with enough that you won't keep, you might find some that you will keep.