22, 2003
Today is the day to put oranges in the bodybag.
Looking for a good book to give your favorite reader? Check out my review of Edison and the Electric Chair, on Popmatters.
So tomorrow I will re-run the world famous "Where Will Baby Jesus Fit?" to see you through Christmas, but today I thought I'd try something similar. It ended up being even more stupid, believe it or not.
We were too lazy, cheap, busy and/or concerned with pine needles to get an actual Christmas tree at my apartment this year, but I did procure a wreath. Other than the fact that it's not entirely circular, it's a pretty nice wreath, but I realized the fallback of a wreath: it's hard to hang ornaments on. Okay, so we don't even have any ornaments. So what's the point of a Christmas wreath, then? I investigated, and found some things that a Christmas wreath is good for. Below, please find our wreath in its original incarnation, and then playing various roles:
Party central:
Deli platter:
P.R. platform:
Stereotypical Frechman:
So don't just let your wreath hang on the wall! Make it all it can be, and have an even happier holiday than you ever expected.