Guest listmaker: Elizabeth McArdle--Dumb Things I Have Been for Halloween

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October 28, 2003

Today is the day to make fun of a city in which you don't live.


Only a few more days before my guest editorship at Opium ends. Who's up today?

Here is today's Tuesday list, but don't zoom off at the end, I have something special to ask you.

Guest Listmaker: Elizabeth McArdle

Dumb Things I Have Been for Halloween

Boy scout


An American student studying abroad in Paris (costume price: free)

Charlie's Angel


Liz followed her list with a short missive, saying, "My cousin Kenny is revisiting his failed costume from last year. He wants to be a shower, has a curtain rod and everything, but last year it was too big, he couldn't fit through a doorway."

This kind of stuff has happened to me as well. One year I wanted to be Beetlejuice for Halloween, but I had real problems getting my hair to stand on end, so I ended up looking just sort of tired and gunky. Another year, I had some plan that I can't even remember but the end result was me painting a half of myself white, the other black, which resulted in a lot of "What are you?"'s. My Statue of Liberty costume ended up a bust too, which there being too much stuff to carry and my crown falling off my head.

What costumes have you had for Halloween that haven't exactly worked out? You were supposed to be scary but looked funny? Supposed to be sexy, but looked stupid? Your toga kept falling off or your kitten ears got soaked.

Tell me about your failed costumes, but hurry! I need them by Thursday.
