Items on Our Refrigerator

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July 1, 2003

Like, rabbit rabbit.

I've gotten some great phobia stories as I requested last week, but I could use some more. Read what I'm talking about and send me your story and we'll run 'em on Thursday.

How hard is it to find a man after college? I guess on Knotmag.

Have you heard of this show called "Trigger Happy TV"? If you have, and want to know more, or haven't, and want to know more, check out my piece on Arriviste Press.

Items on Our Refrigerator

Magnets Reading:

"Too Cool"



"Don't Give Up"


"75th Since 1928 Anniversary Woodcraft"

"Liberace Museum, Las Vegas, NV"

as well as:

one arty crafty pink guy

and Botticelli's Venus

Chicago bar guide, November 2002 InStyle magazine

Poem about Aaron Carter from Popstar! magazine

Recipe for clementine cake

Recipe for tilapia lemon parmesan

June 2003 wipe off calendar

wipe off 'don't forget' list

magnet hook holding:

1 sunflower potholder

1 red dishtowel.