November 26, 2002
Today is the day to make your fleece improve its performance.
Somebody did point out that a few of you might not be likely to check this website over Thanksgiving weekend. Which means that if I am going to do this "trivial Thanksgiving" project, you all need to step up and send me some submissions. Come on. Five words. Or more. You can do it! Email me. Please?
Ben Hubbard has done something very interesting. And a little psycho. Do you see those tiny blue notes that reside beneath the date line of my site? Mr. Hubbard has decided to archive them for me.
And now, today's list, involving one of my new favorite sites.
What Google Thinks of Me, According to Googlism is so much better than bisecting a head with a handsaw is skyrocketing
claire zulkey is answering the questions
claire zulkey is used to being last alphabetically
claire zulkey is my favorite person in the world right now
claire zulkey is involved
claire zulkey is a first time contributor to haypenny
claire zulkey is a dynamic
claire zulkey is thus part of catholic church's three catechismal marks on
your soul
claire zulkey is 22
claire zulkey is still waiting for
claire zulkey is a freelance writer and copywriter from chicago
claire zulkey is currently holding down the fort in evanston
claire zulkey is a copywriter and freelance writer in chicago
zulkey is best introduced by this song that happens to be called "the
claire zulkey funk manifesto in c"
zulkey is general counsel and partner in the firm of baker & mckenzie
where he practices in its chicago office
zulkey is a lame
zulkey is now somewhere in the southwest pacific
zulk is a familiar face to most district residents
zulk is a 16 year resident of the westonka area and hopes to make a positive
difference in this position
zulk is het doelwit dat ik
zulk is alleen een uitwerksel van zijn liefde tot u
zulk is het koninkrijk
zulk is naar ons oordeel ook juist; de gelaedeerde zelf bepaalt immers
zulk is a relatively young neogi and is one of the few partners that will
be able to enjoy the fully operational benefits of
zulk is the leader in coaching victories for men
zulk is ook nie echt abn he
zulk is the new superintendent and is very eager to work for the district