November 5, 2002
is the day to pay your charm school tuition.
How To Spend Your First Sick Day Home Alone in Your New Apartment
- Wake up after hitting snooze alarm three times
- Drink some cold water
- Get in shower
- Marvel that previously-water is still cold even as it's thrown up.
- Leave shower still with shampoo in hair because of dizzy spell
- Crawl back into bed wearing towels
- Sneeze
- Go back to bed.
- After hitting snooze alarm three times, call work, blabbering in tearful voice about incapability of going to office.
- Sleep for two and a half hours.
- Move to couch.
- Blow nose
- Stare at ceiling for hour.
- Groan
- Watch "Coming to America" for first time.
- Fall asleep in front of "Coming to America"
- Work on rattling, hacking cough
- Talk to friends who concur on necessity of going to doctor's
- Talk to mother, who disagrees
- Watch tape of "Sex and the City," episodes 1-4, first season.
- Watch several hours of Fox programming
- Accept Amazon package including cd's by Spoon, Peter Gabriel and Handsome Boy Modeling School
- Eat soup lovingly prepared by roommate
- Wonder if sudden disinterest in food will lead to sudden weight loss.
- Sweat
- Watch Justin Timberlake on 20/20
- Realize that even while sick, still need to update stupid website.
- Sneeze
- Blow nose
- Take shower, more successfully this time
- Return to bed.