George Foreman: 9

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July 17, 2002

Today is the day to wake up from your coma.

Did you email Nichole yet?

Because of complications at the home base, this week's installation of the serial story is absurdly short. But it'll be back in full next week. Hopefully.


George Foreman was stymied. So, he opened up his pack of Marlboro Reds and lit up. Lillibet scrunched up her face in disgust but said nothing.

The waitress hurried over. "I'm sorry, sir, but this restaurant is non-smoking."

George turned an eye towards her. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, sir, I don't," said the waitress, now looking frightened.

"Perhaps you've heard of me," he said. "My name is George Foreman, and I-"

"Oh! I'm sorry, sir," the waitress groveled. "Of course-"

"Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking," he snapped. "I was going to say-"

"Oh, shut up, George," said Lillibet. "Nobody cares what you were going to say, everybody knows who you are." She turned to the waitress. "Thank you," she said, dismissively, and the server slunk off.

"You," said Lillibet, "Are acting like an ass."

George snorted. "I believe you said that, even with the dramatic pause, every day that we were together."

"Well this is worse. You are being malicious and embarrassing us both. I don't know when this 'Do you know who I am?' routine began, but if you really do think you're cursed, you-"

"Do you? Really? Think I'm cursed?"

"Well I-"

"Wait. Let me order dessert first."

"Jesus Christ, George. You're cursed with something, that's for sure."

George blew smoke in her face.

"Maybe I've got the curse."

George summoned over the waitress, who was reluctant to come over, and ordered a tiramisu.

"Yes, rum-soaked ladyfingers in chocolate and cream certainly do compliment a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings," said Lillibet.

"And fries" added the poor waitress, attempting to be helpful.

This time both Lillibet and George sent the waitress running. Her name was Annie, by the way.

:Okay," said Lillibet, as Annie ran the dessert over to them ("I brought you two spoons!" she said helpfully. "Like, wow," Lillibet sneered.) and George dug in.

"Tell me from the beginning exactly what happened. We'll figure this out."

George opened his mouth to talk, but a thumb-sized morsel of tiramisu got stuck in his windpipe. As Lillibet weakly slapped him on the back with her chicken-wing arms, she wondered how she got stuck in such a ridiculous situation, and what Sven was doing.

She also resolved to solve this as soon as possible, because she wanted to go home.